Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Assets On the Books (of Canada) and not

Non Financial Assets $66,581 million - Pension and other future Liabilities $204,341 million
Dear Minister,
Is it not astounding that the recorded value of Non-Financial Assets -"tangible capital assets, which include land, buildings, works and infrastructure such as roads and bridges, machinery and equipment, ships, aircraft and other vehicles" (Pg 1.13 Public Accts) at March 31/11 was but $66,581 million, while the Public Sector Pension, other employee & veterans future benefits Liability totals $204,341 million?
Are some of the lands under Confederal control NOT included in these Non-Financial Assets?
Are the Crown lands now being harvested of raw materials above and below ground NOT counted?
I imagine if we did include the market value of all those assets, our balance sheet would look tremendous!
Further, As a registered real estate salesperson in Ontario, I wonder whether if we did bear in mind the market value of the lands, perhaps we'd be inclined to charge a more reasonable-rate-of-return price from the developers? or get shares in the projects as we did with the General Motors investment that apparently (Pg 1.9) produced an as-yet-unrealized gain representing "a significant portion of the $2.1 billion in other comprehensive income".
My goodness, if we really put the assets of Canada to work, we could reduce the government's reliance on "the ability of the country's taxpayers to finance it" (Pg 1.12, 2nd para on Net Debt)
Speaking of servicing the debt, the $30,871 million (table 1.1 on pg 1.15) in Public Debt Charges represents:
- 13% of $237,091 million in Total Revenue;
- 92.5% of Annual Deficit;
- is exceed in amount only by - Ministries Program ($71,119 million) and Old Age Security/GIS & Spouse's Allowance ($35,629)
Are we spending any effort to reduce this budget-breaking interest burden?
Effective average Interest rates on the unmatured debt ($591,155 million) cannot be expected to remain at 3.1% forever (although the 6.3% paid on $204,341 million Public Pension and other liabilities does seem perpetual -effective rates noted on pg 1.11) and as rates move back to normal the cost to service will creep up (as it did in late1970's) breaking the budget even further.
Sorry to put so much in one note ... but it's all related.

Monday, February 20, 2012

?Sex Tourism, Canadian Style?

In an effort to resolve foreign Divorce consequences that were unforeseen or unanticipated under the existing Civil Marriage Act, the proposed amendments now forthrightly permit Marriages in Canada that would NOT be permitted in the non-resident spouses' home country, wholly and only to allow those same not-permitted-at-home marriages to be dissolved HERE for the benefit of the non-resident spouse(s) who came here expressly to get the Marriage that was unobtainable in their home country.
Did Seinfeld's writers write this?

Dear Minister,
I read with interest the provisions of the Act currently under review in the Lower House,
C-32 An Act to amend the Civil Marriage Act , and wonder if this patchwork quick-fix doesn't make us look foolish on a very serious issue.
In my youth, I recall derogatory references to quickie, USA divorces available in Reno, Nevada etc where expedience and convenience trumped jurisdictional restrictions and today, I am aware of countries outside Canada where "sex tourism" prevails. In those lands a moral blind-eye and foreign-exchange permits behaviours that the foreigners could not legally enjoy at home.
I think many Canadians look askance at "sex tourism", but cannot do much to influence what happens in "the (rented) bedrooms of other nations".
I review the provisions of C-32 and wonder how we got ourselves into such a predicament - changing Civil Marriage Laws without amending the corresponding Divorce Laws?
Perhaps it was the complications of split jurisdictions Marriage and Divorce is Confederal (s.91(26), BNA/Const.1867) while Solemnization of Marriage is Provincial s.92.(12)?
In any case, someone sure dropped the ball and made all Canadians look foolish :) ;) maybe we can blame this too on some underling within the Privy Council Office -like the Bruce Carson appointment. It might work (again) despite the fact that the PCO staff are all accountable to the Clerk who's (contra-1867) accountable these days to the Prime Minister (yep - google "Order in Council P.C.1940-1121").
But wait a second .... didn't the Supreme Court give the whole SameSex Marriage process the 'green light'? or were the Supreme so concerned with staying within the guidelines of the Reference Case and not upsetting the seemigly-unstoppable E.G.A.L.E   'applecart' that they dared not offend the Commons with an offer of unsolicited corollary advice?
Didn't Justice Minister Irwin Cotler also say everything was tickety-boo? repeatedly? and emphatically? and defiantly?  
Well, that was then and this is now, but let's not let haste make waste again ...
Part 1 amends the 2005 Civil Marriage Act to validate Marriages
" 5.(1) ...even though either or both of the spouses do not, at the time of the marriage, have the capacity to enter into it under the law of their respective state of domicile."
and retroactively validates past Marriages that
"5.(2) ....would have been valid .... but for the lack of capacity of either or both of the spouses to enter into it under the law of their respective state of domicile."
Part 2 amends our Civil Marriages Act to allow non-resident divorces after one year of living "separate and apart"
"7.(1) The court of the province where the marriage was performed may, on application, grant the spouses a divorce if (b) neither spouse resides in Canada at the time the application is made; and c) each of the spouses is residing ... in a state where a divorce cannot be granted because that state does not recognize the validity of the marriage.
In an effort to resolve foreign Divorce consequences that were unforeseen or unanticipated under the existing Civil Marriage Act, the proposed amendments now forthrightly permit Marriages in Canada that would NOT be permitted in the non-resident spouses' home country, wholly and only to allow those same not-permitted-at-home marriages to be dissolved HERE for the benefit of the non-resident spouse(s) who came here expressly to get the Marriage that was unobtainable in their home country.
Two 'wrongs' STILL do not make a 'right' (nor a s.15 identifiable-group right)
So, not to be unkind to foreigners and not to be critical of hasty decisions, made on vacation or actions undertaken "because it's legal here", I feel this is an opportune time to review the whole Civil Marriages Act - what HAS occurred? who has been well-served? and who has been poorly-served or hurt (case under discussion)?
If we had to do it all over again ...
- would we let the Court of Appeal for Ontario led by the now-repentant Chief Justice McMurty "define" for the first time in common law history (NB Hyde v. Hyde and Woodmansee (1866), L.R. 1 P.&D. -One Man and One Woman- was a bigamy case and off-point) what marriage is?
- and would we not beseech the Ontario and/or Confederal Justice departments to appeal it .... just for clarity sake?
- and would we allow a Supreme Court Reference to be presented to "our" highest court with the instructions that the Commons was going to "go ahead regardless"?
-and would we let the Supreme Court slide away from answering Paul Martin's added-late-in-the-game question #4
on the basis that there was "no lower court case on appeal" in front of them and because they didn't want to throw a monkey-wrench into the marriages already performed in good faith. In addition, if the Court had said the opposite-sex requirement was, OR was not, constitutional, they've taken on all the responsibility for this contentious decision without actually having heard a real case with real circumstances.
Despite the fact that SameSex Marriage has been in place for a number of years ...given this first "foreign Divorce" foible in the Act ... given the still-to-come challenges regarding SameSex solemnization by religious officials and use/denial of use of sacred places ... and given the purposely-unappealed decision (based on reversing an off-point definition of Marriage, which I'm calling an error at law) that started the chain-reaction-without-public-input ... wouldn't YOU like this reconsidered?
Before we make another mistake? and look like bigger fools pandering to a boisterous minority? 
Do we really want to be the envelope-pushers on this type of sex? The "foreign destination" for sex-sanction-tourists?
That's what Marriage is ... public, civil/religious "sanction" of actions that otherwise are classified as fornication or adultery (yes there are more names but let's not go there).
The 'old' definition was never written down -it was just obvious and apparent and institutionally-known by every man, woman and innocent child - sex-outside-of-marriage has 'bad outcomes', is frowned on, is wise to avoid. Sex inside marriage is condoned, expected and counted on to produce the next generation of reliable, law-abiding souls.
Sanctioned sex outside-of-marriage has only ever been a sign of a decadent society.
Is that the 'sign' we want to display?
Is that what we are?
If not, here's your chance to right a wrong. Marriage cannot be re-defined by the method it was foist upon civil society in Canada. Fix it!
Demand a Royal Commission or Public hearings or whatever you need to get a full hearing of YOUR view.
I'm all in favour of Civil Unions (not marriages) for SameSex couples ... all the privileges and responsibilities, all the duties ... just not the name Marriage and not the 'new' definition of Marriage. It was the wrong approach, the wrong solution and as we see has just caused more problems.
There is no reason that the existing few Canadian-resident SameSex marriages cannot be grandparented under the law, (or at the option of both spouses reclassified as Civil Unions) and no reason to not allow (no capacity in domiciled state) foreigners to get divorced but no reason to allow any further (no capacity in domiciled state) foreigners to get married in Canada until we've had our full and final discussion (perhaps a binding referendum (ie NOT plebiscite) simultaneous with the next election)

BETRAYED by Professionals

While today we think that 'professional' means "to do something for money" or "be expert"

It's meaning is actually rooted in "to take a vow" "to profess"

As they pop up, I'll stick a few broken vow examples in here ...

The 'sleight-of-hand' Science of Polling .... Explained on "Yes, Minister"

Episode ...The Grand Design

Sir Humphrey explains polling

Best bit
"Is that really what they do?

"Well No, not the reputable ones ......but there's not many of those"


another listen + the script

From http://users.aims.ac.za/~mackay/probability/survey.html

How to make a balanced survey

Bernard (the junior civil servant) goes to see Sir Humphrey (the senior civil servant) and tells him that Hacker (the Prime Minister) is planning to announce his "Grand Design" (canceling Trident [Britain's nuclear weapon] and reintroducing conscription [National service]).

The PM thinks it will be a vote-winner because a Party poll has shown that 64% of the population are in favour of reintroducing conscription.

Sir Humphrey advises Bernard to issue another poll to show the majority of the population is against reintroducing conscription. Bernard wonders how this can be done and Sir Humphrey explains it:

Listen to the performance (Real Audio)

Humphrey:You know what happens: nice young lady comes up to you. Obviously you want to create a good impression, you don't want to look a fool, do you? So she starts asking you some questions: " Mr. Woolley, are you worried about the number of young people without jobs?"
Humphrey:"Are you worried about the rise in crime among teenagers?"
Humphrey:"Do you think there is a lack of discipline in our Comprehensive schools?"
Humphrey:"Do you think young people welcome some authority and leadership in their lives?"
Humphrey:"Do you think they respond to a challenge?"
Humphrey:"Would you be in favour of reintroducing National Service?"
Bernard:Oh...well, I suppose I might be.
Humphrey:"Yes or no?"
Humphrey:Of course you would, Bernard. After all you told her you can't say no to that. So they don't mention the first five questions and they publish the last one.
Bernard:Is that really what they do?
Humphrey:Well, not the reputable ones no, but there aren't many of those. So alternatively the young lady can get the opposite result.
Humphrey:"Mr. Woolley, are you worried about the danger of war?"
Humphrey:"Are you worried about the growth of armaments?"
Humphrey:"Do you think there is a danger in giving young people guns and teaching them how to kill?"
Humphrey:"Do you think it is wrong to force people to take up arms against their will?"
Humphrey:"Would you oppose the reintroduction of National Service?"
Humphrey:There you are, you see Bernard. The perfect balanced sample.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Privy Council of Canada s/be= The Six Nation's "Council of Grandmothers"

Excerpted from

What Canadians holding 'the long view' can learn from the Iroquois' Council of Grandmothers

- let's take a lesson from the Great Iroquois Confederacy's governance model and see if adapting their 'Council of Grandmothers' to our BNA Confederation might provide us with that longer, common-good sense of what's right and what's not-so-right as policy for our people.

I was introduced to the Haudenosaunee, Deganaweda (whose name, I'm informed, should never be spoken aloud), the "real" Hiawatha and the Great Peace (the Kia eneri Kowa) by "Deganaweda -an old tale" (its first few paragraphs outline the story and the web will fill in the details for any whose interest is piqued).

My quest is to gain support for the application of the Haudenosanee's Council of Grandmothers' oversight of the warriors' decisions to Canada's "One Parliament"(BNA s.17).

"In the way of the Great Peace, women are the keepers of the family lineage and as the bearers of life, they teach the knowledge of harmony and balance within the family. The tribe is the extended family, and neighbouring tribes should be considered relatives who are necessary for a healthy genetic evolution, an extended family, if you will. The balance within the whole of a society originates with the individual. The balance of male/female within the individual expands to the relationship between man and woman, and then into relationship with their offspring. This then expands into the extended family. All women are mothers to all the children, as are all men their fathers. The tribe was a living ecosystem for human consciousness, a living heart.

Women had equal status within the tribal council. They formed the Council of Grandmothers that looked out for the survival of the family structure above all things, for without the family structure, the people could not continue. No major decision that would affect the tribe as a whole was ever made by one individual of either gender, or any singular council; all councils were accountable to the Council of Grandmothers. Thus, they had devised a matriarchal system whereby no structure of dictatorship could arise and seize power from the people themselves. There simply was no position that allowed for the rise of a tyrant within their society." (emphasis added)

To me, the House of Commons in Canada is NOT the place for final decisions, it's a place for introducing ideas and discussing them. Similarly the Prime Minister is NOT the final arbiter of Canadian life, but more like unto the Chief Spokesperson FROM the place of initial discussion.

The House of Commons (watch any Question Period) is a partisan 'sandbox' (C.D. Howe called Q.P. 'the Children's Hour') that masquerades (particularly since 1940) as a showcase for ideas and discussion, but is really a gathering place of the members of private, election-staging 'gangs' and is controlled (esp in majority) by the cabal-in-cabinet.

The Brits and Canucks who thought-through the BNA Act knew all this could/would unfold and devised a system to contain any potential mis-management by nice-looking sweet-talkers, promising bread and circuses to the multitude.

The Senate, with its property-ownership & net-worth qualifications (now lost to inflation) was supposed to represent the property-taxing constituency (no income tax then, while now most Canadians "participate" in the revenue-gathering) was to double-check the affordability of the Commons initiatives and any Act or act of these two groups was submitted for approval to the Executive Authority, embodied locally in the Governor General and ultimately in the Queen-in-Council over home (ss.9,10,12,13).

The GG (who often was a newbie) was to be advised by his/her own set of advisors (including some Cabinet members) styled the Privy Council (s.11) and this is where the Council of Grandmothers concept fits in.

All members of the Privy Council are sworn to loyalty and secrecy for life - their membership (and Oath) is never extinguished. Constitutionally, the Governor General (then and now) could summons all or any of them for a parlay on any issue OR appoint any of them to the various committees of the Privy Council ( Treasury Board etc) INSTEAD of having the SAME folks in Cabinet occupying ALL the seats on the Council committees that are supposed to oversee and make recommendations about the Cabinet decisions.

The Privy Council was designed to BE the Council of Grandmothers - the holders of the long view, the non-partisan advisors on what might be best for the future and the present BECAUSE they brought with them the wisdom of the past!

The Office of GG departs from the Haudenosanee model, but is "similar in Principle' to the traditions of Great Britain's Parliament in a Constitutional-Monarchy.

Although the Confederacy had devised a "system whereby no structure of dictatorship could arise and seize power from the people themselves. There simply was no position that allowed for the rise of a tyrant within their society", Britain did not - we know from history that the United Kingdom had had autocratic Monarchy-by-Royal-Proclamation and in a series of moves limited their King/Queen to the current "to be consulted, to encourage and to warn" role, where the Monarch is bound to accept the Advice of Her/His ministers.

So Canada got a Monarch-in-Council at the top across the Atlantic and 1) a Vice-Regal, acting as an individual (s.12) AND 2) a Vice-Regal-in-Council (s.13) to be 'the decider', on the ground, over here. The GG (and Lt Governors) grant(ed) Royal Assent to Bills from the local Legislative Order (or withheld or reserved Assent) and then ship(ped) His/Her decision to Britain for the final OK (ss.55,56,57,90) .

That's how it was supposed to work (and did operate) until an uppity Prime Minister tried to trump the constitutionally-valid decision of his Governor General and when he failed, he enacted a two-stage plan of revenge - to prevent THAT from ever happening to him again.

First in 1940, he appointed HIS man (now-called Secretary of the Cabinet and head of the Prime Minister's Office) to be simultaneously Clerk of the Privy Council and once he'd captured the 'head', just gradually took over the Privy Council itself.

How? well it WAS wartime and the idea/spin was to unify implementation of decisions on the war-effort. Who could/would/should object? Heck - it was an emergency! PLUS the only Officeholder who COULD/WOULD/SHOULD have rejected the then-PM's notion-to-usurp(the G.G. Lord Tweedsmuir ) had just died Feb 11/40 and his successor Lord Athlone didn't arrive until June 2/40)
Second, the 'offended' PM lobbied long and hard that the GG should be a 'Canadian' and not some Brit passing through on his/her way up the ambassadorial food-chain.

Once control over the appointmentt process for the Vice-Regal post was in his pocket, no one and nothing (save the Queen-in-Council, a.k.a. British Cabinet, who'd similarly hobbled THEIR boss a few centuries ago) could stand in the way of the Rt Hon Wm Lyon Mackenzie King.

No subsequent PM's have found the need or desire to reverse the concentration of power delivered to their office by Order-in-Council P.C. 1940-1121. An the history books tell us ... the late P.Elliot Trudeau enhanced the PMO/PCO power by further concentrating decision-making into it's (and his personal) hands (his cabinet ministers were required to submit their departments initiatives to him before introduction to the full cabinet)

BUT .... if that Order was un-done AND we adopted a method of selecting a Governor General that would enable us to 'feel good' about one person holding a "veto" (no power to initiate, just the power to say Yes, No or Hold-on-a-second) , we'd be very close to following the provisions of the as-written, purposefully-devised BNA/Constitution and having re-established our own Council of Grandmothers.

Who's Gas and Oil resource is it?

I hear foreign Sovereign National firms and other investment co's from afar are buying up "shares" in the Canadian companies with "licences" to extract oil, gas etc.

It's an opportune time esp for natural gas - prices very cheap! too cheap for some co's to actually produce gas (without taking huge tax-write-down)

If it's too cheap now, why aren't WE buying it back?

Remember Ontario's 25% investment in Suncor .... wouldn't that be a smashing success now?

If China is buying OilSands companies .... why is CPPIB investing anywhere else?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

60th Jubilee 'Gift' -- HRH Proclaims Popular Sovereignty - Majority of Canadians thrilled!!

1 July 2002

In commemoration of the 135th year of the Confederation of Canada, and;

In celebration of the Queen's Golden Jubilee, and;

In great anticipation of the Royal Visit to Canada,


Whereas Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada has noticed a degree of popular and media displeasure and feelings of general disappointment in Canada's governments' activities; 

And whereas She has been informed of a lack of active engagement in governance and policymaking on the part of the citizenry, verging on mistrust and disgust; 

And whereas She plainly sees that no member or official in government is actively searching for a solution to this unfortunate state of affairs; 

And whereas the Provisions in the 1982 Constitution Act have made any amendments to the current governance model virtually impossible to be ratified within Canada;

And whereas The Queen is in the unique position to "do something about it";

Therefore, notwithstanding any common or speculative misunderstandings of Our Sovereignty, Authority and Executive Power within Canada, We have taken into Our Royal Consideration, the extensive and valuable nature of Our Canadian Subjects; and being desirous that they avail themselves with all convenient Speed of the great Benefits and Advantages which must accrue from their Commerce, Manufactures and Navigation, We have thought fit to issue this Royal Proclamation hereby to publish and declare to all Our loving Subjects, that we wish to correct a imperfection and oversight in the Constitutional Provisions that had been thought a "can of worms" not fit for public discussion in years past. For the more perfect Security and Ease of Minds of the Citizens and residents of Canada it is hereby declared, 

That from this day forth there will be an unilateral transfer of the responsibilities, honours, powers and duties of the Crown of Canada from the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, unto the Citizens of the Dominion of Canada, collectively.

This grant of sovereignty over the country, together with the Crown's interest in its "fee simple" real property and Her authority over the government comes with one painless, yet practical condition, namely, Her Majesty insists that you preserve the tradition established in the Royal Proclamation of 1763, that all Acts and actions of the government be performed in the name of the Monarch. This condition is both painless and practical because it means not one aspect of the current Canadian law, nor one governmental practice or nor the wording of one document need be changed.

This Proclamation by Her Majesty is a magnanimous gesture meant to complete the process of making Canada a self-governing state. The fact that Her Majesty acts, individually, signifies two important things at once.

Firstly, She acts alone, as Monarch of Canada, without advice and/or consent of any person, because "No Act" of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled in any Parliament of the United Kingdom after April 17, 1982 "shall extend to Canada as part of its law", and,

Secondly, She acts individually, to bring contemporary recognition to the 1867 Prerogative power of the Governor General (Section 12) that though rarely exercised, can never be spent through desuetude. 

Her Majesty extends warmest well wishes to all Canadians and hopes that a few words of advice at this time will show the heart-felt thought that has been required to present this gift in its purest form. 

Her Majesty wishes to extend a hearty invitation to every Canadian to obtain a copy of the Constitution Acts 1867-1985, as amended - it is the rule book that will guide your path through the future as it has guided you to this point. Pity the poor individual who has tried to play "the game" thus far without "knowing the rules".

Her Majesty further wishes to explicitly mention the reasons and bring forward some implications of Her actions so that no person or body may mis-interpret or "read-in" an unintended meaning.  

Notwithstanding anything quickly assumed by reading this Proclamation:  

1. Canada is still NOT a democracy, NOR a republic, prudently it should henceforth be thought of as an "extremely-limited" Constitutional-Monarchy.

2. "The Executive Government and Authority" as outlined in section 9 of BNA 1867 remains vested in the Crown. The simple difference now is that the concept of "Crown" is transformed - no longer embodied in an individual across the Atlantic Ocean, but part of each and every citizen.

3. The "One Parliament for Canada, consisting of the Crown, an Upper House styled the Senate, and the House of Commons"(Section 17) remains unchanged, except now at the top of the heirarchy sits the citizenry. Responsibility to the Crown is unchanged, but with new meaning - easier to grasp, for both voter & office holder. 

4. The Governor General and the Lt. Governors are now returned to their intended places of great importance and power (Section 12 as above, plus Sections 55-57 and Sections 65 and 90) since no other person will hold any higher Canadian Constitutional positions, save God (also entrenched in 1982, preamble to Part 1).
In future, the individual appointed to these offices will be vested with a full, informed mandate to exercise the Prerogative Powers to Assent, withhold Assent or reserve a Bill for the Signification of the Crown's Pleasure. It is thought that the selection of Canadians for appointment to these offices will likely require more and different thinking than at the present time, but no new laws. In this, may We suggest the selection of recommendation be by at-large election every-other General Election, for a term commencing 365 days after the return of the Writs

5. The re-established Governor General may choose to reverse Order-in-Council (PC 1940-1121) an innovation of the Rt Hon William L Mackenzie King (during the darkest days of early WWII) that merged the Office of Clerk of the Privy Council with the duties of the Secretary of the Cabinet. By merging the duties of the Privy Council Office and the Prime Minister's Office, under one  "Head", the two organizations functionally became one. Placing the whole of the government and the administration under the control of the Prime Minister, a situation never intended and indeed a situation that was intended to have been made impossible.
The Privy Council was established by Section 11 in Part III, Executive Power, of the BNA Act to "aid & advise in the Government of Canada" and to be "chosen and summoned by the Governor General" (i.e not by the Governor-in-Council) to be the Vice Regal's independent pool of advisors.
The merger of the Privy Council Office with the Prime Minister's Office has created the unfortunate loss of one integral double-check on the House of Commons. The supervisory role of the Treasury Board and the other committees of the Governor General's Privy Council no longer exists due to the current Prime Minister's custom of appointing all of his Cabinet members to almost all of the posts on the Privy Council Committees - they now double-check (some would say rubberstamp) their own policies, programs and expenditures.

6. It is hoped that widespread study of the Constitution will also elevate the Senate by re-directing the political energy expended on equalizing the representation for your blatantly unequal provinces into realizing that a principal purpose of the Senate was to represent the propertied class - the Senate is the only office in the Constitution with property-ownership and "net worth" qualifications. Perhaps seasonally-adjusting 1867's $4,000 value for net worth would also change the Senate's composition.
Not to belabour the point, but to re-inforce how much has been forgotten, in earlier times the Senate was described as "a bulwark against the clamour and caprice of the mob" (Sir James Lougheed) and "to protect the regional interests and also a power of resistance to oppose the democratic element" (George-Etienne Cartier). A similar quote from Cicero is carved in the oak frieze of the Senate Speaker's chambers "It is the duty of the nobles to oppose the fickleness of the multitude".

7. Without the self-imposed pressure of being "top gun" of your One Parliament, it is hoped that the House of Commons can take its proper place and devote itself to advancing and considering all the views, of all Canadians. Perhaps the political parties will relax the  hold  they have placed on backbench Members - after all they will be elected by the "Crown".  

8. Ministerial Responsibility will take on a meaning similar to the United Kingdom. With this transfer of power We have limited Ourselves to the same position We hold with your parliamentary brothers and sisters in Westminster - We will always grant Assent to Bills presented to Us in exchange for the agreement that if a Canadian Minister gives Us bad advice s/he will resign, taking the responsibility.  
For further clarity, since very few Bills will actually be presented for My Personal Assent, this limitation will not apply to My Governor General or Lt Governors. We specifically wish that an Executive Double-check remain in place,and be utilized in Canada. The Governor General and Lt Governors may withhold Assent, individually, and may reserve signification until they, individually, are satisfied that the Bill is supported by the "new" Canadian Crown.

8.It is believed that Canada will be a better place to be alive -in many ways. Citizens will value their citizenship since it represents ownership - newcomers will clamour to be real "members" of this wonderful "club". As "proprietors" of the land and its resources, it will not surprise Us if a new attitude of preservation, conservation and real, sustainable development flows from the new "owners" to the "stewards" of their lands, their waters and their bounty. 

Canada, the 21st Century just might "belong" to you if you just work in concert to make it so. With this initiative We have tried Our best to stimulate the minds of all Canadians, with the hope that new motivation will make the work more enjoyable.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Accountability to the Crown. Understanding "the Essence" of our Dominion's governance.

The below-linked article from ipolitic.ca  re: "Crossing the Floor" (changing parties after election) indirectly touches on the "essence of Our Dominion" but the title initially caught my eye
Crossing the floor: To whom are legislators responsible? 
In reaching his recommendation to stand-down for consent of the governed after Floorcrossing Mr Rowe expresses the widely-held, although, sadly-incorrect view of our hierarchical power-sharing arrangement. The fundamental question remains - Accountability & Responsibility to who/what?

If the elected Assembly (House of Commons)was the pinnacle of power in the BNA/Constitution Acts, I might agree with (hard to find and contact author) Mr Paul Rowe.

If the phrase "Supremacy of Parliament", as Prime Ministers, Cabinets and many pundits use it ie the elected Assembly is the highest and final authority, then I might agree.

And if we had a Constitutionally "informed electorate" and similarly informed cohort of candidates/MP's, then I submit no one would agree with the view expressed in Mr Rowe's piece, because the elected Assembly would be the place for all voices and on any given issue everyone of them could be a Loose Fish (a MacDonald-ism re: independent MP's who voted in the House "inpredictably").

Mr Rowe's 3 categories "delegate", "trustee", "party disciple" do not allow for the 'loose fish' scenario because our elected assemblies are filled to the gunwales with party-disciples.

Since only party-nominated candidates get any votes at elections (the uniformed voter saves electoral-energy by voting by "colour" ie party colours) the trick to getting elected is to be nominated by a big party, pay the price of admission (voting loyalty in all but the rarest of times), learn the script (talking points and policy book) and generally be a team-player (unthinking, unblinking-in-the TV-lights loyalty to Boss aka a toady, a trained seal, a 50ft [from Parl't Hill-P.E.T] nobody etc).

Enough of that for now -you may wish to look over a few other of the commonly-held, albeit wholly inaccurate opinions about Canadian governace via this link or read the Annotated, Plain Language Version of the BNA.Constitution 1867 to test the veracity of my opinion.

The Essence of the Dominion of Canada

All and everything thing about Canada is owned or Accountable or Responsible to the Crown (except some time-limited copyrights & trademarks).

Look at a Abstract of the Deed to your real property (land) -in Ontario it's easy - all computerized and on a standard form. Direct your attention to the middle-top of the standard form. What does "Subject to the Reservations in Crown Grant" mean? 

If means (in the common law provinces, with civil law equivalent I'm sure) that you hold a Fee Simple "interest" in the land with a "bundle of rights" accepted at law -to use, to lease, to mortgage, to will, to sell and to give away.

This 'bundle' covers most of the day-to-day stuff and so Fee Simple (aka Free and Common Socage) is the "highest title" you can hold .... but it's only AN INTEREST in the land ... like a super-powerful, commercial lease-from-the-Crown.

Some lawyer's going to dispute this and say the Crown's position is tantamount to "eminent domain" in other countries ... but is "eminent domain" written on the top of the abstract in those countries?

So forget the fine points and the blah blah, just find out the difference between allodial title and fee simple title. If you discover there is a difference .... which one would you prefer to hold? 

The "interest in land" that is NOT the Fee simple .... is the Crown's interest. It is the root of title (see below)and forms the basis for the ultimate "grant" of use  to you.

So the Crown owns all the Crown land, and holds a huge "interest" in the 15% of Canada that is Fee Simple plus all the animal (non-human), mineral and vegetable matter above and below ground.
NB there is debate about whether the Crown negotiated the beds of the rivers and lakes and, that discussion, ie the "stupidly hubristic Crown-Agent dealings with local folks" leads to the ramifications and unintended consequences of making poor, bad, blatantly-unfair-in 20th century Treaties with the Autochthonous peoples AND the consequences of "stupid Crown-Agents" not-bothering to establish Treaties on great swaths of now-Canada.

 If the Crown owns all of Canada, it would be helpful to know:
1) who/what IS the Crown in Canada these days?
2) what exactly are the Crown's holdings, interests, assets and liabilities?
3) if it's 'our' country', does some non-Canadian "entity" own all that stuff? or is it a Canadian entity?
4) regardless of who/what owns it, are these assets "on the books" (Sttmnt of Assets/Liabilities)?
4) who/what is watching over the administration of all that stuff on behalf of /"in trust for" the Crown?
5) who/what has 'hands on'" responsiblility for Stewarding, Husbanding, Preserving, Protecting, Conserving & Enhancing the value and worth of these 'Crown' assets?
6) if we know the value of the assets - are the Stewards getting a good return on the value of those assets?
7) If these assets are on Canadian soil and HRH (the Office/Person) doesn't seem to care about who/how they are administerted and seems not to care why, or if, these assets are being wisely managed, wouldn't it be wise to transfer the "ownership" of these assets to someone/something that would pay more attention to a) the assets and b) the stewardship?

Perhaps we'll ask silver-jubilee HRH to proclaim a "deemed disposition" to the citizens of Canada (I had the speech ready for the golden-jubilee visit)

So there is the Essence. The Office of Monarch. The Queen in Right for Canada.

Everything legally done, or authorized or decided in Canada, is done in the Name of the Crown and everybody who works for government, the country etc have sworn allegiance, or loyalty, or responsibility, or duty, or accountability to the Crown.

Sadly, when these (generations of) Stewards came to realise that no "Crown" is supervising them ... human nature created the opportunity for more "stupidly hubristic Crown-Agent dealings with local folks".

But no one spends too much time thinking about queries 1-6 above - that's my purpose - getting you to think about the answers to questions 1-6 (acknowledging a) that nobody but me is thinking #7 and b) no one else has written a take-off of the Quebec Act 1774 to express the answer).

I just hope that once you delve into 1-6 .... you'll accept that there IS a problem of responsibility/accountability in Canada and be prompted to think about a solution.

A solution with minimal dislocation, intrusion AND CERTAINLY NOT requiring a 7/50% or 100% Constitutional amendment.

 So  ..... back to Mr Rowe's floor-crossing.

Delegate, trustee or party-disciple - 'tis moot.

The elected assemblies of Canada are shams. Question Period? -televised hootenannies of CPAC tid-bits for the folks back home to ooh and ahh about. Zingerland for the national and local news. 

AND everybody "reads" in the House these days ... can nobody think on their feet anymore?

Worse still, Elections are expensive games about fooling enough of the too-busy-to-pay-much-attention-day-to-day public to place first in our 'best-of-a-bad-bunch' voting system. Campaigns try to keep the fundamental issues OFF the agenda in favour of poll-tested platform planks and bold promises of voter-segment-targeted fiscal treats or regional grants/subsidies/entitlements.

The congregated MP's, MPP's, MLA's (& MNA's for pete's sake) ARE party-disciples. Dependent on their party's will for nomination, advertising & policy coat-tail jumping, fancier offices& positions AND re-election - the public be damned (after all we're ONLY accountable to them -in any way -at elections)

Shall we continue sanctioning this sham?  or do we just not know anything other than "stupidly hubristic Crown-Agent dealings with local folks"?

I say:

Until the elected assembly is the Public Forum for the free expression of all ideas, not just the place for televised "reading" of prepared drivel espousing the party-machine's spin;

Until the Canada Election Act and Electoral Finances Act are re-written to exclude the bias, special subsidies, allowances, tax-treatment status for the privileged-few, private-entities in the election-business (written by and for those entities);

Until Elections Canada removes it's bias, special subsidies, allowances, tax-treatment status for the privileged-few, private-entities in the election-business (ditto);

Until the Senate is restored to it's elevated Upper place as House of Taxpayers by adjusting-for-inflation the 1867 qualification/disqualifications (why have we never adjusted s23 & 31? $4,000 net worth and $4,000 net-equity in property just ain't the same criteria);

Until the Privy Council is restored to the Executive Power (s9-13) as independent, advisors-for-life of His/Her Excellency and institutional memory on behalf of the rest of us;

Until the Governor General(& Lt Gov's) has a citizen-acknowledged mandate to use His/Her powers of Reservation, Disallowance and Withholding of Royal Assent;

Until we select our recommendation for GovGen to the Monarch by election at large;

AND more importantly until the Canadian people accept THEIR responsibility to be in charge of their own lives, their future, their country by demanding that their elected and appointed officials be accountable to the "governed" .... it doesn't really matter.

Be it Harper, or Chretien, or Mulroney, or the Late Messrs Trudeau, Pearson, Diefenbaker, St Laurent or King ... a 50%+1 Prime Minister is almost unstoppable ... certainly not stoppable by voters continuing to select party-disciples as elected representatives.

If we don't change the reasons we select MP's (et al) we'll just get more "stupidly hubristic Crown-Agent dealings with local folks".

a la prochaine

Friday, February 10, 2012

If Cdns ACTUALLY wanted to stop Any 50%+1 PM .... how could it be done?

Exec Summary
If we ACTUALLY wanted to stop Harper (or any 50%+1 PM) .... how could it be done?
Most people (and certainly the courts) cannot imagine how to do it.
("The Federal Court of Appeals ruled that the fixed-date law was too vague as written to stop the PM from going to the polls")
Is he drunk-on-power? (it happens, he's human, okay, just needs containment)
Stupid? (and human, forgivable, but w comeuppance and restitution)
Purposely Malevolent? (must be stopped)
Please look again at my position on the ramifications of that one li'l Order in Council from 1940
Mr Martin,
Thanks for 'outing' more details on the spit-in-your-face audacity of the 2008 election call in PM Harper can call next election whenever he wants
Poor ol' in-way-over-Her-head GG (kinda good-lookin'  - even with seal-heart scraps stuck in her teeth)  who had no advisors with any kind of institutional-memory and/or BNA-written Authority to counterbalance the arguments presented by Chubby McCalgary.
Aside but significant
Same thing happened at First Annual Prorogation Pow-Wow
-- Harpie & the Clerk of Privy Council (who constitutionally s/be head of GG's team) on one side while Chris Hogg (who me? ya-think I'm gonna bite the-hand-that-made-my-career?) advises Her Excellency Ms woman-of-colour, francophone-immigrant-exCBCTalkingHead-
-also these events are mentioned on Pg 16 of this article     
--I cite this article from Heard (Google-supplied re" Valpy) even though the author is wholly wrong on same pg 16 saying re: Harpo ...."He is her prime minister, and the only one who can present binding advice"....-- where'd Heard pick up this notion? - new-age, robo-experts, repeating drivel they heard from some fabian/syndicalist wolf in academic-clothing)
Back to summer 2008
The other aspect was the Monetary, then Economic,then Fiscal nightmare unfolding since 2007 - that exploded into plain view of everybody w Lehman Bros on Sept 15
I must admit, based on Aug 2008 ... w the fixed date legislation saying Sept 2009 .... even if I had been PM I wouldn't want to fight an election ar yr after the "shitstorm hit" and as then-PM would have done ANYTHING to slide in an election before the worst-case had a change to materialize .... it just took thick-skinned defiance (and the absence of a political opponent) to actually countermand his own 1yr old amendments to the Elections act to achieve the goal.
Even though the Fed etc TARP and all that papered over what s/have been the "end of the world" ...  Firewall Steve (the economics degree-holder ... he'll actually practise the dismal science one day I'm sure) surely knew the bubble was about to burst in late 2009
This PM (like all is predecessors since the war) is getting absolutely drunk-on-power because HE (thinks he) KNOWS no one can stop him.
I hate his actions so far enough. Do you?  I'll help you in any way.
Hells-Bells Martin ol' Man -   YOU'RE ON TV!

in addition to "78 Ways to Fix Canada"

-sadly no one can see past their nose (and the school books someone gave them)
Dear Ms Carlson, Mr Maher & Editors
Both author's articles deal with current/proposed methods to select individuals for official recommendation to very powerful-but-appointed positions within the Legislative and Executive powers of our governance system. Naturally, due to space limitations neither piece was comprehensive, but both were provocative platforms for further discussion by concerned Canadians.
In my view, it is foolhardy to consider fiddling with one (or several) components of our BNA/Constitutional "power-sharing" agreement without examining the whole of the system in context.
I think it is also unwise to add/remove "deferents or epicycles" to/from our currently-observed system without first looking at just how far our present-day "Ptolemaic model" varies from the as-designed text of the hierarchical, 1867 checks-and-balances model.
Since we are not starting from scratch with a "clean sheet of paper", we must be aware of a) what the existing as-written text states and b) how/why we allowed ourselves to get so far away from those prescient provisions. Both studies will enable us to see the root cause of the problems we want to solve vs simply addressing the 'symptoms'.
(to that end here's my Plain Language Version of the BNA and I attach my one-page 1763-1982 graphic entitled"Similar in Principle")
Most importantly, any changes that we do consider must be possible to adopt without needing a Constitutional Amendment, because 7/50% or 100% agreement is near-impossible without a colossal number of pet peeves/projects (let's call them political "earmarks") entering the discussion and horse-trading.
To aid any Constitutional/Administrative discussion may I advance some little-known specifics:
1i) Canada is a Constitutionally-limited Monarchy;
and therefore,
1ii)  Canada is not a democracy nor a republic (similarly it's not an a vassal-state subject to a suzerain, nor an autocracy, theocracy, military dictatorship or oligarchy -though some may argue these last assertions);
2) The "Crown" is sovereign and in Canada, since 1982, all authority flows from HRH, as an individual, with or without Advice, with or without Consent (see Clause 2 Canada Act 1982, (U.K.) 1982, c. 11, when the U.K's Commons, Lords Spiritual and Temporal withdrew from Canadian affairs);
3) Everything "legal" (and enforcement of same) in Canada is done in the name of the "Crown";
4) The 'Crown" owns everything in Canada - subject only to some time-limited copyrights, trademarks, some puisne "fee simple interests" in the title to about 15% of the land mass and some not-so-puny Treaties with umpteen-and-counting (there are 600+ extant) groupings of Peoples with Autochthonous and Historic Heritage;
5) A full public understanding of the "Crown" in Canada - who/what 'it' was in 1688, 1763, 1774, 1791, 1840, 1867 or 1931, who/what the "Crown" has been since 1940, 1947 or 1982. This fundamental information is not taught in schools, is not known nor understood and the result is we're all cowed into nescient acquiesce and bullied into now-traditional deference;
6) The Governor General is accountable to the Crown ONLY and can veto any Federal Bill presented for Royal Assent as an individual (see s.12 vs s13 + s.55) or provincial Bill (if the Privy Council concurs -scroll to s.90);
7) The Governor General has a permanent elite set of advisors accountable ONLY to the GG (s.11, the Privy Council);
8) The Senate is superior to the Commons (it is called the Upper House for a reason);
9) The Senate represents (equally from all 4 'divisions'), the taxpayers-of-the-day, the "propertied-class"....NOT party-affiliations;
10 The Senators are the only office-holders to have a) net-worth, b) property-ownership (net-value) qualifications AND disqualifications (ss.23 & 31) and c) a Special Oath attesting to these qualifications;
11) The Senate's 1867 "$4,000 dollar" qualifications have never been adjusted for inflation (likely a factor of 60 or 80 times), so the provision's not much good as qualifications
12) The Oath is not taken too seriously either - see M. Chretien's much-overlooked sidestep of the " ...I have not collusively or colourably obtained a Title to or become possessed ..." provisions of the 5th Schedule Oath for Sister Peggy Butts in 1997)
13) The House of Commoners, our democratic 'one person one vote' element was designed as the bottom rung on the power-totem to be the clearinghouse for every (qualified) subject's "grievances before supply" (NB voting qualifications now greatly expanded);
and last of this list but certainly not least .... just about no one knows this little tidbit
14) Wm L M King was so boiled up, and bothered about the Byng-King yes-we-have-no-Dissolution Affair in 1926 that he took over the Privy Council by one, simple solitary "Order in Council" in March of 1940 (P.C.1940-1121) under cover of Phoney-War mobilization efficiency -?by co-incidence? this usurpation took place just weeks after the GG, Lord Tweedsmuir died in office and just months after the former Clerk (thru the whole mess 1923-1940)  Laurier's man, Lemaire, retired on January 1st 1940.
Since no ordinary Canadian has much of a grounding in basic civics (nevermind backroom political skullduggery and history) it is truly difficult to expect them to get engaged in a discussion that they perceive as "over there heads". Hence our tradition of elite accommodation - where we defer to "our betters' and allow them to 'sort things out'.
A pity!  and ridiculous too!
Because if ANYTHING is to change (for the better and for all) within Canada, it will finally be necessary for Canadian subjects-of-the-Crown to become educated about exactly what the Legislative Power (Lower House & Upper House), the Executive Power (Privy Council, Governor General & Monarch) were designed to be (why doesn't CPAC feature this as an "educational segment") and then armed with that confidence of knowledge and understanding, be able to participate in deciding what they -the resident, taxpaying, citzen think these institutions should be in the 21st Century. 
Plus -and this is a chicken-egg concept- that educated agglomeration will have to decide on exactly how to define the 21st Century "Crown" in Canada (remember we cannot get rid of the "Crown" -it's our whole foundation) .... unless we truly wish to just muddle along with everyone from the Supreme Court down, all continuing to lie to us, because telling the truth would be too great of a 'can of worms'


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The "Majority of Canadians" In the News - almost every day

Good afternoon Chief... er, Senator White.
Canada.com (blog)
As for the crime bill, White said there are parts of the legislation that he believes the majority of Canadians agree with, but there are pieces that remain troubling. He didn't elaborate, but said that what makes the crime bill a challenge is its size ...

Canada's Terrorist
AINA (press release)
“The Omar Khadr Fan Club” (as one of the book's chapters is titled) includes the liberal media, two previous Liberal governments under Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin, and a majority of the Canadian public. Even Prime Minister Stephen Harper's ...

Don't let Stephen Harper creep your emails: Liberals launch petition against ...
Vancouver Sun (blog)
In recent weeks, Internet users – who are now the overwhelming majority of Canadians – have found their voice. The message is being delivered in everything from tweets to YouTube. The furor has been growing. This video was created early on in the ...

Survey: Young Adults Twice as Likely to Trust Brands Online | The ...
By Marissa McNaughton
While the majority of Canadians still prefer traditional media sources when seeking product information, the results clearly indicate a “significant generational gap” in the use of social media for purchase research. Canadians Prefer Traditional ...

Buckdog: Vic Toews MUST Resign From Cabinet - BILL C30 MUST ...
By leftdog
The majority of Canadians did not vote Conservative in the last election. Mr. Harper, you may have a 'majority' government under the British Parliamentary system. However, sir, you do not have the moral authority to walk over the rights of ...

Symbols of the Nation - The Gods of the Copybook Headings
My compliments to our Trudeaupian educational establishment. Before they got going in the late 1960s the vast majority of Canadians would have placed the War of 1812, or our roles in the two world wars, far above a mere government policy.

Leadnow | Cooperate for Canada
Now, if we work together, we can make sure our next government represents a majority of Canadians and fixes our broken electoral system. Here's how we can ...
Natural gas, produced safely, is a great opportunity for Canada
Vancouver Sun
Our research shows that a majority of Canadians, or 56 per cent, have a positive or neutral impression of shale gas. The research also shows people have questions about whether development of natural gas from shale is safe, and about the use of water ...

New Counter-Terrorism Strategy Overlooks Most Obvious Breeding Ground
Huffington Post Canada (blog)
While the omission of explicit references to Shi'a and Ismaili Muslims is likely intended to be a friendly gesture to those religious groups, it is almost certain that the vast majority of Canadians do not know the difference between Sunni and Shi'a ...

Opinions divided about scrapping of long gun registry
Parksville Qualicum Beach News
“The Police Chiefs of Canada Association said it was a very useful tool and they would regret to see it go.” Sullivan said the government ignored that advice — and the wishes of the majority of Canadians when they opted to destroy the registry.

Pardon Services Canada Blog - Read Daily News About Canadian ...
Pardon Services Canada is of the opinion that this increase is unfair and burdensome and does not represent the views of the majority of Canadians who ...

BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in ...
BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in 2012. « Back to News Releases. TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 8, 2012) ...

CMA's Submission to Finance Canada regarding proposed ...
The CMA is a voluntary professional organization representing the majority of Canada's physicians and comprising 12 provincial and territorial divisions and 51 ...

Poll results suggest country has shifted toward the right
Edmonton Journal
Survey results indicate more Canadians see the country as having become more rightleaning over the last 10 years than think it has moved left. The poll also shows a majority of Canadians are in favour of the federal government playing a role in ...

With muscles, 'use it or lose it' rings true
Globe and Mail
That message may seem like common sense, but the majority of Canadians still don't meet even minimum guidelines for physical activity, Dr. Wright points out. That's why she hopes that her graphic MRI images will help people understand what their ...

In today's Sun: a cautionary tale for Geoff and Jordan | Warren Kinsella
By Warren
Toews call the majority of Canadians a dirty name and he has now paid the price for his own hypocrisy. That being said this event could become a moment of change for even the Harpocrites who may have come to realize they have gone too ...

Don't frack with our water, say majority of Canadians in new poll
Don't frack with our water, say majority of Canadians in new poll. Saturday, 11 February 2012 22:12 Council of Canadians. E-mail · Print · PDF. Ottawa - The ...

Canada's Water Footprint | Canada Water Week
The majority of Canada's external water footprint touches down in the United States, followed by China, India, and Australia. 5. How much of Canada's water ...



Feds to close same-sex marriage loophole
Kudos to them on swallowing their ideological pride, and doing something that is in the interest of the majority of Canadians. The federal government introduced amendments Friday to close a legal loophole that could have undermined scores of gay ...
(ed note -- Solution is "Just as imperfect" as orig idea

 Re-educating Canadians
Wawatay News
While times are changing, the majority of Canadian school children still have their first exposure to Native people through elementary school textbooks, like the images above, that show First Nations from centuries ago in a way very few Native people ...

Lost Years relates 150 years of Chinese diaspora history in Canada and beyond
For the majority of Canadians, the answer is very little, if at all. Chinese Canadian filmmaker Kenda Gee, accompanied by his father, traced his family's history back to China. He recorded his journey in the documentary Lost Years: A People's Struggle ...

Cullen gets social-media boost for co-operation among opposition parties
Winnipeg Free Press
In less than a week, Leadnow.ca has amassed more than 13000 signatures on an online petition that calls on parties to co-operate prior to the next election "to elect a government that better represents a majority of Canadians

Justin jumps in where angels fear to tread
Values are fundamental beliefs, and the vast majority of Canadians and Quebecers agree on those — from respecting democracy and human rights to pursuing a just society. Even those who disagree with, say, gay marriage, don't believe homosexuals should ...

ed note  Ezra calls him Canada's Zoolander (in 40's , dresses like twenties etc)

I think Tru-Lander is just a pretty as Margaret in her prime .... and way smarter

Slots cash is not subsidy
London Free Press
Yes, Muslims believe in a different holy book than the majority of Canadians. But the majority of Canadians regarded Italian Catholics and Irish as a threat to Canadian Protestant values at one time. Remember Polish and "Paki" jokes a few years ago?

Wire Service Canada (press release)
Brown goes on to say “The vast majority of businesses in Canada are small, local, independently owned and operated businesses. Small business is what built our country, and can continue to support our country into the future, as long as Canadians ...
wmtc: dear leadnow: i'm not sure i want to cooperate
By laura k
I'm sure the good folks at Leadnow know that a poll taken through their own email and Facebook list cannot claim to represent what Canadians want, only what Leadnow members want. I'm not saying that the majority of Canadians don't want
Michael Geist - What a Difference a Week Makes: The Fight Against ...
By Michael Geist
In recent weeks, Internet users - who are now the overwhelming majority of Canadians - have found their voice. It is informed, funny, and loud. As I wrote last week in the context of copyright, can you hear us now? Comments (18) add comment ...



Canadians revolt over draconian internet privacy bill
Even the Conservative Party's own MPs are now having second thoughts about the bill, which polls show is opposed by a significant majority of Canadian citizens. New Brunswick Conservative MP John Williamson told the National Post that a rethink was ...

NDP agrees changes needed to pot laws
Kamloops This Week
“There's all kinds of ways in which it affects us provincially,” Kendall said, adding the majority of Canadians support the plant's legalization and the laws should reflect the country's values. But, her counterpart across the Thompson River isn't ...


Girls have more emotional problems: study
Victoria Times Colonist
Survey results from more than 26000 students from 436 schools found that, while the majority of young Canadians ages 11 to 15 rated their life satisfaction as "eight or higher" on a scale of one to 10, mental health suffers as young people move through ...


A 'just society' still desired
Toronto Star
As for Bloc Québécois MPs suggesting Quebec values are not shared by the rest of Canada, this is wrong. Remember that the majority of Canadians did not vote for Stephen Harper and his Conservative government. I believe a “just society” with strong ...


Majority of Canadian youth say they're bullied: Report
Toronto Sun
By Kristy Kirkup ,Parliamentary Bureau A survey completed for the Public Health Agency of Canada found 63% of adolescents across all grade levels polled said they are victims of bullying. (Shutterstock) OTTAWA - The majority of adolescent Canadian ...

Tory bill to kill gun registry passes House of Commons vote
National Post (blog)
“The government is completely ignoring the recommendations of the majority of Canadians including victims of gun violence, women's groups, suicide prevention experts, police and labour organizations,” a statement from the coalition said.

Half of All Canadians Are Bullied as Child or Teen
MarketWatch (press release)
Half of all Canadians adults were bullied as a child or teenager according to a new survey. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of Canadians (85 per cent) believe that providing children and teenagers who bully others with a volunteer mentor is an ...

Immigrants the proudest Canadians, poll suggests
Policies, profits help integration When it comes to immigration and citizenship, the views of the majority of Canadians born in the country and the 20 per cent born outside it are largely aligned. Canadian-born and foreign-born respondents were equally ...

Hitman Jason Kenney strikes again
Toronto Star
A majority are not of Arab origin. And the 100 ESL students and the 1000 immigrants served hail from different religious, racial, ethnic and linguistic groups. “A majority are Canadians of Chinese origin.” Haroon Siddiqui is the Star's editorial page ...

Canadian Government Being Sued Over Kyoto Withdrawal
Greener Ideal
If the majority of Canadians decided to withdraw from Kyoto, the current black eye we have been given would be on the majority of us and not on the Federal Government, who felt withdrawing was in our best interest and who had done so at the expense of

The Keystone debacle as seen through Canadian eyes
Fortune (blog)
The vast majority of Canadian gas has been sold to the US And if you combine the price of gas and exchange rate, our revenues from gas sales were about $5 billion five years ago. This year, they will be $1 billion. The discovery of shale gas has driven ...

Do you consider yourself an ethical consumer?
Environmental Expert (press release)
A majority of Canadians (60%) talk with friends and family about topics relating to social responsibility. An added challenge lies in having access to, and understanding, the information given. Even if you are confident with the level of sustainability ...

Bill C-19: Victims of gun violence and women's safety experts ...
By M.Gregus
... safety of all Canadians in jeopardy, may become law. Given the likely conclusion of today's vote, the government is completely ignoring the recommendations of the majority of Canadians including victims of gun violence, women's groups, ...

Majority of Canadians Expect Inheritance : Toronto Estate Law Blog
A new survey provides interesting insights into the attitudes of Canadians with respect the estimated $1-trillion dollar transfer of wealth forecasted.


A minority majority
The Province
It is disgusting that, yet again, the so-called majority government feels free to redefine the values of the majority of Canadians that did not vote for this government. Is it we, the critics, who should be worried about this?

Trudeau faces controversy over separation remarks
During the radio chat, Trudeau said he could support Quebec's separation if the majority of Canadians in English-speaking provinces shared Harper's ideals. It's believed that Trudeau was referencing the fact that despite winning a majority government, ...

BMO Credit Card Health Check: Prognosis is Good for Credit Card Users as Two ...
MarketWatch (press release)
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Feb 14, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- There were no unpleasant surprises for the majority of Canadians who opened their post-holiday January credit card statements this year, according to a BMO Credit Card Health Check Report ...
MacKay won't confirm how many F-35s Canada will buy
Harper does not represent the majority of canadians because Canadians really don't know what Harper's hidden agendas are.He truly is the 'Billion Dollar Man'. Super Hornets. Buy the Super Hornets. Buy alot of Super Hornets. The Super Hornet is a great ...

'Push poll' results not surprising
A new poll finds that a majority of Canadians oppose hydraulic fracturing. But considering who commissioned the survey, one policy expert says the results shouldn't come as a surprise. The Council of Canadians had a third-party organization question ...
Will budget for veterans be cut?
Guelph Mercury
I guarantee you that a majority of Canadians outside of Ottawa find the name-calling and schoolyard posturing of all the MPs in the House of Commons absolutely galling. We elect them to raise the level of discourse, and in return they bicker like ...


Queen Elizabeth II: our inexhaustible, inspirational monarch
by the editors on Monday, February 13, 2012 10:00am - 0 Comments Queen Elizabeth II is the only head of state the vast majority of Canadians have ever known. Through all the political, social and technological upheavals of the past 60 years, ...


Canadian couples not ready for retirement
Toronto Sun
While the majority of Canadian couples have discussed retirement, very few have started making serious plans, according to a new survey. According to a BMO Financial Group poll, 69% of Canadians have talked to their partner about retirement, ...

Cape Breton MPs submit budget wish lists
Cape Breton Post
“Canadians are saying 'What the heck is going on here?' It's making a lot of people nervous,” Cuzner said in a phone interview Thursday from Ottawa. “It's not the crisis the prime minister is trying to create here.” Sydney-Victoria MP Mark Eyking is ...

Poll: Majority of Canadians Believe God Had Part in Creation ...

21 hours ago – A recently-released Canadian Press-Decima Research survey revealed that 60 percent of Canadians believe that God had a role in creation.


Industry News - Majority of Canadians optimistic about their finances ...

3 Jan 2012 – A new CIBC (TSX:CM) poll shows 64% of Canadians feel positive about their current financial situation, a finding the bank describes as strong, ...
  • Poll: Harper agenda out of sync with majority of Canadians ...

    1 Sep 2011 – Poll finds that 30 per cent of Canadians want Parliament to focus on job creation while only nine per cent want debt reduction or tax breaks as a ...

  • Survey indicates vast majority of Canadians oppose warrantless ...

    25 Aug 2011 – With likely a vast majority of Canadians uncomfortable with this extension of government powers—not to mention concern from every provincial ...
  • Majority of Canadians see “irreconcilable” rift between Islam and the ...

    12 Sep 2011 – 56 per cent feel differences impossible to overcome: poll.

    Opinion Polls - Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

    www.friends.ca/News/PollsCached - Similar
    New Harris/Decima survey says the majority of Canadians agree that it's important the Canadian government work to maintain and build a culture and identity ...



  • Most Canadians gloomy about economy, poll finds | CTV News

    18 Oct 2011The dark clouds hanging over the economy have Canadians feeling gloomy about its prospects for the near ...

  • RBC | RBC poll finds most Canadians stayed on budget over the ...

    31 Jan 2012 – 31, 2012 /CNW/ - A majority of Canadians (69 per cent) managed to keep their holiday spending in check, listing concerns about debt levels ...

  • Most Canadians want the death penalty back, page 1

    2 days ago – According to pollsters, while a majority of Canadians say they support the return of capital punishment, this support "drops considerably" when ...


    Canada News: Majority of Canadians support return of death ...

    4 days ago – Sixty-one per cent of respondents said capital punishment, which was abolished in Canada in 1976, is warranted for murder.


    Law limiting sex-based abortion supported by majority of Canadians ...

    26 Jan 2012 – A new poll that highlights the complexity of Canadians' views on abortion finds only 51% of Canadians favour any limitations at all on the ...

  • CAUT - Majority of Canadians want spending for PSE increased ...

    Home > Issues & Campaigns > Better Funding > Majority of Canadians want spending ... The majority of Canadians think spending on post-secondary education ...

  • Majority Of Canadians Support Fee on Billboards to Fund Public Art ...

    4 Feb 2012 – Toronto ON Them ca announced today the launch of a new project called The Beautiful City Billboard Fee BCBF The BCBF proposes that ...

  • Country living continues to decline as majority of Canadians live in ...

    www.winnipegfreepress.com › CanadaBreaking NewsCached
    4 days ago – OTTAWA - Canada was once a nation of farmers and small-town folk. But new census data shows the coun... - Breaking News - Winnipeg Free ...

  • BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in ...

    BusinessView: BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in 2012. Published on Feb 08, 2012 - 08:10 AM. Footnote: Written by: BMO ...

  • Majority of Canadians believe country still in recession | Canadian ...

    16 Jan 2012 – Is Canada in a recession? A majority of Canadians think so. The data and economists say otherwise. The issue arose when pollster Michael ...

  • GTAA Partners in Project Green - Majority of Canadians want a ...

    Although a majority of Canadians identify that working for a sustainable company is important, poll results show that the majority of managers (56%) identify ...

  • BMO Annual RRSP Study: Majority of Canadians Planning on ...

    3 Jan 2012 – It's encouraging that the vast majority of Canadians who will be contributing to an RRSP will be contributing the same amount or more than last ...

    Where do the majority of Canadians live

    wiki.answers.com › ... › Countries States and CitiesCanadaCached - Similar
    Toronto, Ontario, which is located on the coast of Lake Ontario, is Canada's most populous city with 2.48 million people in the city proper, 5 million if the entire ...

  • Majority of Canadians Against Affirmative Action - Blogging Canadians

    It seems like the Libs and Dippers are on the wrong side of public opinion on affirmative action. A Leger poll that came out today states that a majority of ...

  • Most Canadians want death penalty in murder

    3 days ago – A majority of Canadians say they support reinstating the death penalty for murder , according to a new.

  • Eye on the Hill

    51 minutes ago – The Canadian-Russian rivalry is well known and seems unlikely to ... poll showing that a majority of Canadians favour the death penalty.

  • Conservatives Attack GPC: 55% Canadians Side with Green Policy ...

    greenparty.ca/node/2990Cached - Similar
    The majority of Canadians support legalization. In a November 2004 poll by Ipsos Reid, 51% of Canadians agreed that Canadians should not suffer a criminal ...

  • Crime In Canada: 9 In 10 Canadians Feel Safe From Crime ...

    1 Dec 2011 – The vast majority of Canadians feel safe from crime, says a ... a new Statistics Canada survey suggests a vast majority of Canadians don't see ...

  • Canadian Facts - The Canada Page

    www.thecanadapage.org/Canadian_Facts.htmCached - Similar
    Within the folder there were sheets with "Facts Canada" printed down at the .... Majority of Canadians are Christians 54.2 percent of Canadians are Roman ...

  • PDF] 

    Print Layout 1

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    More than 9 out of 10 Canadians expect the Prime Minister of Canada to be bilingual. (CROP). • The vast majority of Canadians expect political leaders and ...

  • TD Canada Trust Poll Finds Majority of Canadians "Spending as ...

    www.gifts-and-tablewares.com/...canada...majority-of-canadians.../ ...
    24 Nov 2011 – Seventy percent of Canadians say they won't be reducing their holiday spending this year despite the economic climate. According to the TD ...

  • Majority of Canadians aged 20 to 29 live with parents – - Macleans ...

    oncampus.macleans.ca › HomeCampus LifeCached
    13 Jul 2011 – 13 Responses to “Majority of Canadians aged 20 to 29 live with parents”. Mathgenius says: July 13, 2011 at 9:51 pm. This is not surprising at all ...

    New poll suggests majority of Canadians support the death penalty ...

    mx.deportes.yahoo.com/.../canada.../poll-suggests-majority-c... - MexicoCached
    Leer 'New poll suggests majority of Canadians support the death penalty' de nuestro blog Canada Politics en Yahoo!. The death penalty debate in Canada ...

    REPEAT: Holiday Hangover? Canadians Stayed on Budget and Are ...

    31 Jan 2012 – 31, 2012) - According to a BMO survey, the majority of Canadians are heading into 2012 without the cloud of excessive holiday spending ...

  • Majority of Canadians say 2011 was a successful year - The ...

    3 Jan 2012 – Despite rising household debt and severe global economic issues causing low consumer confidence, most Canadians say 2011 was a ...

  • Majority of Canadians want to keep Monarchy - The Royal Wedding

    28 Jun 2011 – Most Canadians, 52 per cent, now want to see the country keep its ties with the monarchy after Queen Elizabeth wraps up her reign, according ...

  • Polls suggests a majority of Canadians think hits to head in NHL are ...

    6 Oct 2011 – TORONTO - The NHL's crackdown on head hits is likely reaching a receptive Canadian audience. A majority of Canadians believe hits to the ...

  • Small Business Statistics on Canadian Small Business & The ...

    sbinfocanada.about.com/.../canadianstats/.../bizandeconomy...Cached - Similar
    Susan Ward
    "Canada's small-business sector represents the vast majority of Canadian business. According to Statistics Canada, 75 per cent of all businesses employ fewer ...

  • Temperance Movement - The Canadian Encyclopedia

    www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com › ... › HistoryPolitical HistoryCached
    ... arising early in the 19th century, when social aid was negligible and when a majority of Canadians were self-employed as farmers, fishermen or small

  • Temperance Movement - The Canadian Encyclopedia

    www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com › ... › HistoryPolitical HistoryCached
    ... arising early in the 19th century, when social aid was negligible and when a majority of Canadians were self-employed as farmers, fishermen or small.

  • Canadian Payroll Reporter - Article - Majority of Canadians living ...

    8 Sep 2011 – 57 per cent would be in financial difficulty if their pay was delayed by a week.

  • Discover Canada

    www.cic.gc.ca › HomePublicationsDiscover CanadaCached - Similar
    14 Mar 2011 – The majority of Canadians were born in this country and this has been true since the 1800s. However, Canada is often referred to as a land of ...

  • Despite Economic Uncertainty, Majority of Canadians Plan to ...

    18 Oct 2011 – Despite Economic Uncertainty, Majority of Canadians Plan to Vacation This Fall and Winter. « Back to News Releases. TORONTO ...

  • Most Canadians living paycheque to paycheque | CTV News

    13 Sep 2010The majority of Canadians would find it difficult to survive if their next paycheque did not arrive on time ...

    Vast majority of Canadians support state funeral for Layton | Toronto ...

    Vast majority of Canadians support state funeral for Layton. 0. By Ian Robertson , Toronto Sun. First posted: Saturday, August 27, 2011 03:00 PM EDT | Updated: ...

  • Sun News : Vast majority of Canadians support state funeral for Layton

    27 Aug 2011 – Outpouring of support for Layton; Canada pays final respects to Jack Layton ‎; Jack Layton state funeral. Vast majority of Canadians support ...

  • The Right and Left Claim Success in Canada: The Conservatives ...

    3 May 2011The Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, was elected to a majority in the Canadian ...

  • Canadians okay with their non-mortgage debt, RBC finds ...

    14 Sep 2011 – “The majority of Canadians feel confident that they are in a better debt position than everyone else, but the reality is that effectively managing ...

  • Terahertz

    There's nothing like the comfort of a majority government to let even the most .... movement to form a government that represents the majority of Canadians.

  • ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. | Majority of Canadians are ...

    16 Dec 2011 – Majority of Canadians are Turning to Technology to Stay Connected this Holiday Season. - Rogers makes it easy to send warm wishes and ...

  • Majority Of Canadians Against Temporary Worker Program Says ...

    The Canadian government's temporary worker program is facing negative acceptance in Canada.

  • New poll shows the majority of Canadians don't see Christmas as a ...

    7 Dec 2011 – A new poll conducted by Abacus Data finds 92 per cent of Canadians will be celebrating Christmas later this month but the majority do not see ...

  • Majority of Canadians see “irreconcilable” rift between Islam and ...

    www.politicalforum.com › ... › Other RegionsCanadaCached
    1 post - 1 author - 14 Sep 2011
    Deeply ingrained "Islamophobia"? Or the evidence of their senses regarding supremacism, jihad violence, the oppression of women, the ...

  • Canada Shifts West - Neighborhoods - The Atlantic Cities

    2 days ago – The first population figures from the 2011 Canadian census have been ... time, the majority of Canadians live in the western half of the country.

  • Canadian Immigration Reform Blog: Survey Says: Majority Of ...

    2 Aug 2011 – Survey Says: Majority Of Canadians Want Immigration Reduced. A recent poll tells us, yet again, how out of touch Canada's morally and ...

  • Study shows majority of Canadian parents have not appointed a ...

    6 Jan 2012 – A study by BMO Harris Private Banking examining the topic of guardianship among Canadians found that 63 per cent of Canadian parents ...

  • Canadians “healthy skeptics” when it comes to advertising: study ...

    www.marketingmag.ca › NewsMarketer NewsCached
    16 Nov 2011 – While the vast majority of Canadians believe that advertising is valuable and have a favourable impression of the ads they see and hear, they ...

    rabble.ca Canadian federal election blog

    And the majority of Canadians are interested in programs and policies that we will not be seeing from Harper. In the next few months, cooperation between the ...

    Public Perception of Crime and Justice in Canada: A Review of ...

    www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/rs/rep-rap/2001/rr01_1/p0.htmlCached - Similar
    1 Dec 2011 – Canadians identify crimes of violence against children as the most important ... The majority of Canadians perceive social factors, such as poor ...

  • 50Plus : Lifestyle : Most Canadians say they had a good 2011

    19 Dec 2011 – The majority of Canadians felt they had a good year, according to a new survey. The findings of the Ipsos Reid survey — conducted online ...

  • CAUT - Majority of Canadians want governments to help make PSE ...

    www.caut.ca › HomeNewsCached
    Block all www.caut.ca results
    (Tuesday, May 17, 2011) - The majority of Canadians believe governments aren't doing enough to make post-secondary education affordable, according to a ...

  • NEWS: The majority of Canadians disagree with Harper majority ...

    1 Jun 2011 – Now CBC reports, “A majority of Canadians don't support corporate tax cuts and are opposed to buying the F-35 fighter jets, two major pieces of ...

  • Editorial | Opinion | Calgary Sun

    It should come as no surprise that a poll released Tuesday by Angus Reid shows a strong majority of Canadians believe there are scenarios that warrant capital ...

  • Majority of Canadians underestimate financial burden of divorce: BMO

    6 Oct 2011 – Many of the roughly 100000 people that are divorced in Canada each year may not be taking the financial.

  • Most Canadians want Elizabeth May at leaders' debate, poll shows ...

    4 Apr 2011 – Majority of Canadians oppose decision to exclude Green Party Leader

  • Industry News - Majority of Canadians nearing retirement lack a ...

    20 Oct 2011 – Majority of Canadians nearing retirement lack a financial plan: survey ... A new poll from TD Waterhouse reveals that 61% of Canadians ages ...

  • Majority of Canadians think they're at risk for cancer | Health ...

    3 Feb 2011 – More than half of Canadians polled recently say cancer should be a top priority in health research.

  • CAUT: Majority of Canadians want tuition fees lowered or eliminated ...

    CAUT: Majority of Canadians want tuition fees lowered or eliminated: Poll. December 20, 2008. tags: CAUT, education funding. by Miriam Jones. From the CAUT ...

  • Watch: Government Spending Spree on Buildings - Headlines ...

    Bank Study: Majority of Canadians were on budget over holidays. A new published study shows that a strong majority of Canadians were able to stay on budget ...

  • Majority of Canadians favor deficit spending: poll | Canada | Reuters

    ca.reuters.com › HomeNewsCanadaCached
    27 Nov 2008 – TORONTO (Reuters) - A majority of Canadians are in favor of the government boosting spending to stimulate the economy, even if it means ...

  • ING DIRECT | Three years later, majority of Canadians still unclear ...

    3 Oct 2011 – Three years later, majority of Canadians still unclear about TFSAs. Almost one in five Canadians say they don't understand the benefits of the ...

  • Crossing the 49th: Dangerous for the Majority of Canadians Now ...

    17 Sep 2007 – Since the majority of Canadians oppose our presence in Afghanistan, driving south then returning with literature critical of our mission there ...

  • Majority of Canadians kept holiday spending in check: poll - thestar ...

    31 Jan 2012 – “It's encouraging to see that the majority of Canadians kept an eye on personal debt and took a more cautious approach to holiday purchases,” ...

  • New poll suggests majority of Canadians support the death penalty ...

    4 days ago – Read 'New poll suggests majority of Canadians support the death penalty' from our blog Canada Politics on Yahoo! News. The death penalty ...

  • Majority of Canadians support legalizing or decriminalizing ...

    17 Jan 2012 – Released on Tuesday, the poll suggests 66% of Canadians are in favour of the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana, with just 20% ...

    Bank Study: Majority of Canadians were on budget over holidays

    31 Jan 2012 – A new published study shows that a strong majority of Canadians were able to stay on budget during their holiday spending bonanza. Almost ...

  • Most Canadians want moratorium on fracking: poll

    6 days ago – The majority of Canadians oppose hydraulic fracturing - better known as "fracking " - and would support.

  • Majority of Canadians won't contribute to RRSP this year | Calgary ...

    3 days ago – Surprising news from Scotiabank today. According to an investment poll by the bank, only 39 per cent of Canadians say they plan to contribute ...

  • BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in ...

    4 days ago – TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 8, 2012) - According to a BMO Bank of Montreal study released today, continued market uncertainty ...

  • ING DIRECT | Majority of Canadians feel financially unprepared for ...

    23 Jan 2012 – Currently, a top financial priority for most Canadians is to pay off credit card debt or lines of credit (41 per cent). For respondents aged 25-34 ...

  • Majority of Canadians back restrictions to abortion based on sex: Poll

    27 Jan 2012 – Canada should adopt laws to govern a woman's freedom to abort a pregnancy based solely on the sex of the fetus, according to a majority of ...

  • Abacus Poll: A majority of Canadians oppose raising the age ...

    3 Feb 2012 – A new survey from Ottawa-based Abacus Data finds that most Canadians surveyed are either very or somewhat concerned about having ...

  • Chickens support chopping block: Majority of Canadians support ...

    4 days ago – Majority of Canadians Support Return of Death Penalty Poll Finds - by ... found that 63% of the 1002 Canadians surveyed across the country ...

  • Healthcare becomes unaffordable for majority of Canadians ...

    26 Jan 2012 – Canada healthcare costs are casting a big hole in the pocket of Canadians and Canada permanent residents, findings of a recent study show.

  • Bank surveys find majority of Canadians kept their holiday spending ...

    www.winnipegfreepress.com › CanadaBreaking NewsCached
    31 Jan 2012 – TORONTO - Surveys released today by two banks indicate a majority of Canadians managed to keep their... - Breaking News - Winnipeg Free ...


  • Public Opinion on the Canadian Museum for Human Rights ...

    1 Feb 2012 – A Majority of Canadians Support the Canadian Museum for Human ... A small majority of Canadians would rather attend a Winnipeg Jets game ...

  • BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in ...

    www.live-pr.com/.../bmo-study-majority-of-canadians-... - United StatesCached
    BMO Study: Majority of Canadians Worried About Market Volatility in 2012 - The majority worried about more market turmoil in the year ahead; unsure of where ...

  • Majority of Canadians Unprepared for Winter Driving, CAA Finds

    16 Jan 2012 – OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 16, 2012) - More than six out of 10 Canadians could find themselves in trouble if they got stranded ...

  • Majority of Canadians don't want seniors to wait longer for OAS ...

    2 Feb 2012 – Majority of Canadians don't want seniors to wait longer for OAS benefits, poll finds: Three-quarters of Canadians oppose raising the age of ...

    Study: Strong majority of Canadians spent within means during ...

    31 Jan 2012 – Toronto - January is usually the month of unpleasantness: credit card statements arrive, there is no respite from the wintry weather, we gained ...

  • Canada - Canadian Business Etiquette, Manners, Cross Cultural ...

    www.cyborlink.com/besite/canada.htmCached - Similar
    The majority of Canadians, as well as citizens of other English speaking countries, (see Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States) have ...